Available Research Opportunities

We are always looking to recruit talented and committed scientists.
If you are interested in working in NANOUP group, please contact with us.

Postdoctoral Positions

Postdoctoral positions will be advertised when funding is available. However, if you can apply for your own funding then please contact with NANOUP group.

PhD Positions

PhD positions are available in our group each year, usually starting in the period July-September. If you are interested in a PhD with our group then please contact with us.

Predoctoral Positions

Predoctoral positions will be advertised when funding is available. However, if you can apply for your own funding then please contact with NANOUP group.



Supramolecular Nanochemistry & Materials

Institut Català de Nanotecnologia (ICN2)

Campus UAB · Edifici ICN2 - Bellaterra, 08193 (Barcelona) - Spain

Prof. Daniel Maspoch

(Scientific contact)

NanoUp Group Leader - ICN2

P. (+34) 93 737 46 34


Dr. Mary Cano

(Technology contact)

Senior Scientist - ICN2

P. (+34) 93 737 46 37


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